Home Technology Computer Vision Kaifu Lee’s AI unicorn 01.AI restructures with a focus on AI video...

Kaifu Lee’s AI unicorn 01.AI restructures with a focus on AI video editing, and new ventures.

Kaifu Lee’s AI unicorn 01.AI restructures with a focus on AI video editing, and new ventures.
Kaifu Lee’s AI company achieves $1 billion valuation within eight months Source: [01.ai]
According to 36Kr,

The AI unicorn founded by Kaifu Le has undergone a number of internal changes. The company plans to split up its digital human business with Yang Changpeng as head of digital R&D leading the new division, and Lan Yuchuan as the leader of the AI video-editing project SparkView. SparkView has begun its own funding round.

Responding to 36Kr in a response, 01.AI highlighted its rapid growth with revenue exceeding RMB100 million ($13.8 millions) last year and its plans for further expansion. The company stated that it was adapting its projects quickly. This included increasing investment in certain areas and closing down others based upon market demand. 01.AI will prioritize collaborations with tech titans in 2025 while dividing its business to finance independently, the company added. As part of its restructuring, the company is moving away from super-large AI models and focusing on lightweight AI models.[36Kr (in Chinese)




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